Art and crafts:
Each day of the week the children enjoy freedom of expression via the medium of art. They paint, colour, glue and paste and their wonderful work is displayed all about our room and each week the children bring some of their work home for you to enjoy and treasure. Some children decide not to take part in certain activities so may not have many master pieces.
Free play:
The children can explore, role play, dress up or otherwise enjoy any of the toys, music or crafts equipment available to them.
Garden playtime:
Fresh air and exercise help build happy, healthy and fun-loving children. From slides to see-saws, cycling to playing house, the children are free to play and build friendships and team games skills in the playground. Garden times are from 2.30-3pm and 4.30-6pm, These garden times may change depending on the time of year.
Cinema day:
On a Friday this time is given to a “cinema day “, which is a lovely time for the children to completely chill out after their busy week, watching a movie and eating a small bowl of delicious ice cream. All our films are carefully chosen and are age appropriate.
Sports and general activity in a fun and energetic environment.
Anna from High Five Sports comes in to run a sports and fitness class, she aims to encourage children to enjoy being active and aspire to help them build their self esteem and their own unique abilities.
The children will bake yummy/healthy treats which they love.
Exploration day where the children partake in, and learn from scientific experiments .
Friday is cinema day where the children get to relax and watch a film after their long busy week. Children can bring in a DVD from home if they wish - all films must be classified as Universal.